‘sniper’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Muzzle or sniper with short and long legs with oval-shaped eyes
Muzzle or sniper with short and long legs with oval-shaped eyes
This mountain infantry sniper stands alert in the trench with his carbine and telescopic sight
This mountain infantry sniper stands alert in the trench with his carbine and telescopic sight
Junior Lieutenant Lyudmila Pavlichenko
Junior Lieutenant Lyudmila Pavlichenko
Melton Prior pinned down by a sniper during the British attack on Minhla in Burma
Melton Prior pinned down by a sniper during the British attack on Minhla in Burma
The death of Major Peirson in the battle of Jersey
The death of Major Peirson in the battle of Jersey
Un'ardita marcia della compagnia ciclisti del 12° bersaglieri sulle Alpi, la salita del ghiacciaio …
Un'ardita marcia della compagnia ciclisti del 12° bersaglieri sulle Alpi, la salita del ghiacciaio …
The Fighting on the Indian Frontier
The Fighting on the Indian Frontier
Il vittorioso assalto dei bersaglieri ciclisti dei battaglioni 3°, 4° e 11° alla Quota 85, presso Monfalcone
Il vittorioso assalto dei bersaglieri ciclisti dei battaglioni 3°, 4° e 11° alla Quota 85, presso Monfalcone