‘smokers’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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A picture-written notice to smokers and chewers requesting them to throw their stubs etc
A picture-written notice to smokers and chewers requesting them to throw their stubs etc
Fumeurs d'opium en Chine
Fumeurs d'opium en Chine
BE & W Barling, manufacturing gold and silversmiths, trade card
BE & W Barling, manufacturing gold and silversmiths, trade card
Chinese opium smokers in a saloon experiencing various effects of the drug
Chinese opium smokers in a saloon experiencing various effects of the drug
African pipes
African pipes
Chinese Opium Smokers at San Francisco
Chinese Opium Smokers at San Francisco
Two opium smokers, one reclining, the other one sitting
Two opium smokers, one reclining, the other one sitting
Two poor Chinese opium smokers
Two poor Chinese opium smokers