‘sides’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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The English dance of death, first volume, Plate 24: The masquerade
The English dance of death, first volume, Plate 24: The masquerade
Nova totivs terrarvm orbis geographica ac hydrographica tabvla
Nova totivs terrarvm orbis geographica ac hydrographica tabvla
Jesus Christ riding into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday
Jesus Christ riding into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday
Commemorative head of a king
Commemorative head of a king
Female figure
Female figure
Battle of the River Alma
Battle of the River Alma
The Fort of Malligaum, West and South Sides
The Fort of Malligaum, West and South Sides
Mr Doubleface, a man not to be trusted
Mr Doubleface, a man not to be trusted