‘scientific’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Evangelista Torricelli
Evangelista Torricelli
La toilette de Paris, Machine a balayer
La toilette de Paris, Machine a balayer
English scientist Robert Hooke with a wheel barometer made in 1665
English scientist Robert Hooke with a wheel barometer made in 1665
Modern Wonders, 1938: Modern Cinema Operating Box
Modern Wonders, 1938: Modern Cinema Operating Box
Theatre in the year 2000
Theatre in the year 2000
Leibniz in a boat on the Adriatic
Leibniz in a boat on the Adriatic
Modern Wonders, 1938: Detecting unseen Enemies
Modern Wonders, 1938: Detecting unseen Enemies
The Lower Limb. Deep Muscles of the Calf, and the Popliteal Vessels and Nerves
The Lower Limb. Deep Muscles of the Calf, and the Popliteal Vessels and Nerves