‘saving’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Dishing the Boers, British Farmers in Cape Colony saving their Cattle from being looted
Dishing the Boers, British Farmers in Cape Colony saving their Cattle from being looted
Scene from The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids, by the Brothers Grimm
Scene from The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids, by the Brothers Grimm
Jesus walking on water
Jesus walking on water
Arban rescued by Italian fishermen, 1846
Arban rescued by Italian fishermen, 1846
A man rescued by a St Bernard dog
A man rescued by a St Bernard dog
The Stocks, 2 1/2 Per Cent
The Stocks, 2 1/2 Per Cent
L'immane catastrofe mineraria di Radbod (Vestfalia) nella quale perirono quasi 400 persone, i primi salvataggi
L'immane catastrofe mineraria di Radbod (Vestfalia) nella quale perirono quasi 400 persone, i primi salvataggi
Allegory of Christ as Saviour of the World
Allegory of Christ as Saviour of the World