‘rolling’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Modern Wonders, 1938: Pair of Giant Motors
Modern Wonders, 1938: Pair of Giant Motors
In the Rolling Mill of an Ironworks in the Black Country
In the Rolling Mill of an Ironworks in the Black Country
You Certainly Can Roll Out The Dough
You Certainly Can Roll Out The Dough
The roller
The roller
Rail mill, Krupp Steelworks, Essen, Germany
Rail mill, Krupp Steelworks, Essen, Germany
Helping Gardener
Helping Gardener
La campagna per l'uso della paglietta, promossa dal Principe di Galles, ha assunto in Inghilterra …
La campagna per l'uso della paglietta, promossa dal Principe di Galles, ha assunto in Inghilterra …
Royal Small Arms Factory in Enfield
Royal Small Arms Factory in Enfield