‘riches’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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The Coal Famine; or, It's an Ill Wind that Blows Nobody Good: satire on the rationing of coal during the South Wales …
The Coal Famine; or, It's an Ill Wind that Blows Nobody Good: satire on the rationing of coal during the South Wales …
Croesus Showing His Riches to Solon
Croesus Showing His Riches to Solon
Robert Henderson at Rabbit Creek in the Yukon panning for gold
Robert Henderson at Rabbit Creek in the Yukon panning for gold
A miser decapitated by his treasure
A miser decapitated by his treasure
Pirate treasure
Pirate treasure
Woman's toilette in ancient Rome
Woman's toilette in ancient Rome
Regni Mexicani seu Novae Hispaniae, Ludovicianae, N Angliae, Carolinae, Virginae et Pensylvaniae necnon insularum …
Regni Mexicani seu Novae Hispaniae, Ludovicianae, N Angliae, Carolinae, Virginae et Pensylvaniae necnon insularum …
Stationers almanack for the year 1780
Stationers almanack for the year 1780