‘religious’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Tcukapelli, Kona, Palabikuna, Tcilikomato, Macmahola
Tcukapelli, Kona, Palabikuna, Tcilikomato, Macmahola
The little child set in their midst
The little child set in their midst
Eli questioning Samuel regarding the Vision
Eli questioning Samuel regarding the Vision
Meeting of Enkidu and Gilgamesh
Meeting of Enkidu and Gilgamesh
Notre-Dame de Paris, douzieme et treizieme siecle, vue de la facade principale, avant la restauration executee par MM …
Notre-Dame de Paris, douzieme et treizieme siecle, vue de la facade principale, avant la restauration executee par MM …
Jesus Christ walking on water
Jesus Christ walking on water
The first plague in Egypt, rivers turned to blood
The first plague in Egypt, rivers turned to blood