‘recruiting station’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Indians signing up to fight in World War II
Indians signing up to fight in World War II
The Transvaal Crisis, besieging a Recruiting Station at Cape Town
The Transvaal Crisis, besieging a Recruiting Station at Cape Town
Gee I wish I were a Man, I'd Join the Navy
Gee I wish I were a Man, I'd Join the Navy
Now for some music
Now for some music
British army volunteers taking the oath at the recruiting station at the White City, London, World War I, December 1915
British army volunteers taking the oath at the recruiting station at the White City, London, World War I, December 1915
US Marines "Soldiers of the sea" – For full information apply recruiting station
US Marines "Soldiers of the sea" – For full information apply recruiting station
Teufel hunden. German nickname for US Marines. Devil dog recruiting station.
Teufel hunden. German nickname for US Marines. Devil dog recruiting station.
Teufel hunden, German nickname for US Marines Devil dog recruiting station, 506 Fifth Street
Teufel hunden, German nickname for US Marines Devil dog recruiting station, 506 Fifth Street