‘recovery’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Thanksgiving service for the recovery of the Prince of Wales from typhoid, St Paul's Cathedral, London, 27 February 1872
Thanksgiving service for the recovery of the Prince of Wales from typhoid, St Paul's Cathedral, London, 27 February 1872
Modern Wonders, 1938: Benzol Recovery Plant
Modern Wonders, 1938: Benzol Recovery Plant
Eadweard Muybridge: The Leap
Eadweard Muybridge: The Leap
Healing and recovery in Karlsbad
Healing and recovery in Karlsbad
Recovery of the stolen Goya portrait of the Duke of Wellington
Recovery of the stolen Goya portrait of the Duke of Wellington
Reception of Louis XIV at the Hôtel de Ville on the occasion of his recovery, 30 January 1687
Reception of Louis XIV at the Hôtel de Ville on the occasion of his recovery, 30 January 1687
Wreck of "The Exmouth"
Wreck of "The Exmouth"
La convalescenza di Pio X, il pontefice alla presenza delle sorelle muove i primi passi nel suo …
La convalescenza di Pio X, il pontefice alla presenza delle sorelle muove i primi passi nel suo …