‘rebellion’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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With the Allied Forces in China
With the Allied Forces in China
The Rebellion of Half-Breeds in Canada under Louis Riel
The Rebellion of Half-Breeds in Canada under Louis Riel
The Russians in Manchuria, the Embarkation of Artillery and Cossacks at Blagovestchensk for …
The Russians in Manchuria, the Embarkation of Artillery and Cossacks at Blagovestchensk for …
Chinese Boxers
Chinese Boxers
Defence of the Chinese Legation, 1900
Defence of the Chinese Legation, 1900
The Boxer Rebellion: an execution at Baoding
The Boxer Rebellion: an execution at Baoding
With the Allied Forces in China
With the Allied Forces in China
Damage to Liberty Hall, Dublin, Easter Rising, 1916
Damage to Liberty Hall, Dublin, Easter Rising, 1916