‘pioneers’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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The Hon Mrs Victor Bruce, FRGS
The Hon Mrs Victor Bruce, FRGS
The Afghan Campaign, the Capture of Cabul
The Afghan Campaign, the Capture of Cabul
The Devil visiting a Mandingo town
The Devil visiting a Mandingo town
Bleriot making a test flight in a monoplane, France, 1908
Bleriot making a test flight in a monoplane, France, 1908
Amerigo Vespucci sighting America
Amerigo Vespucci sighting America
"He fired; and the brute, the moment that it was making its spring, fell over, snarling and hissing"
"He fired; and the brute, the moment that it was making its spring, fell over, snarling and hissing"
The Shooting Match for the Prize of a Turkey
The Shooting Match for the Prize of a Turkey
Pathfinder Shoots at the Target
Pathfinder Shoots at the Target