‘patriots’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Patriots Ortolani, Zanoli, Montanari and Rambelli executed in Ravenna
Patriots Ortolani, Zanoli, Montanari and Rambelli executed in Ravenna
The Slough of Despond: Vide the Patriots Progress
The Slough of Despond: Vide the Patriots Progress
The ten greatest Frenchmen as voted for in a poll run by Le Petit Parisien newspaper
The ten greatest Frenchmen as voted for in a poll run by Le Petit Parisien newspaper
The Patriots
The Patriots
A patrol of 'patriots', France, 1848
A patrol of 'patriots', France, 1848
Una vetta trasformata in monumento
Una vetta trasformata in monumento
Patriotic Delirium, French Revolution, August 1789
Patriotic Delirium, French Revolution, August 1789
Pilgrim's Broadsheet with Views of Jerusalem's Sights, mostly tombs of the patriots
Pilgrim's Broadsheet with Views of Jerusalem's Sights, mostly tombs of the patriots