‘pass’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Port Hamilton as it is
Port Hamilton as it is
Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Act I, Scene 2
Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Act I, Scene 2
Thothmes III leading his army through the Pass of Aaruna
Thothmes III leading his army through the Pass of Aaruna
Shakspeare [graphic] / after the Janssen portrait; J Pass, sc
Shakspeare [graphic] / after the Janssen portrait; J Pass, sc
From Euston to Klondike, Summit of the Chilkoot Pass
From Euston to Klondike, Summit of the Chilkoot Pass
Killiecrankie Pass (?)
Killiecrankie Pass (?)
The Long March
The Long March
Satta Pass in Suruga Province
Satta Pass in Suruga Province