‘overboard’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Durante una violenta mareggiata sulla costa ligure, un veliero e stato investito, di notte …
Durante una violenta mareggiata sulla costa ligure, un veliero e stato investito, di notte …
Terribile disastro marittimo, il piu grande transatlantico Titanic affonda con 1600 persone …
Terribile disastro marittimo, il piu grande transatlantico Titanic affonda con 1600 persone …
Before her first dive, the Captain ordered a sailor to check the bows
Before her first dive, the Captain ordered a sailor to check the bows
Collision between two boats on a river
Collision between two boats on a river
The First Lord of the Admiralty, Lord Minto, is thrown overboard by Lord Melbourne, Lord Palmerston and Lord Duncannon …
The First Lord of the Admiralty, Lord Minto, is thrown overboard by Lord Melbourne, Lord Palmerston and Lord Duncannon …
Les Chasseurs D'Hommes
Les Chasseurs D'Hommes
Terribile disastro marittimo, il piu grande transatlantico Titanic affonda con 1600 persone …
Terribile disastro marittimo, il piu grande transatlantico Titanic affonda con 1600 persone …
The people of Boston throwing the tea overboard
The people of Boston throwing the tea overboard