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Cérémonie de Sacre de D Pedro 1er. Empereur du Brésil, à Rio de Janeiro, le 1er. Decembre 1822.
Cérémonie de Sacre de D Pedro 1er. Empereur du Brésil, à Rio de Janeiro, le 1er. Decembre 1822.
In 1911, Lt Giulip Gavotti became the first man to drop a bomb from a plane
In 1911, Lt Giulip Gavotti became the first man to drop a bomb from a plane
Newburyport, Mass
Newburyport, Mass
Behold, children how one can rejoice in youth, / While playing
Behold, children how one can rejoice in youth, / While playing
The natural shape of England with the names of rivers, seaports, sands, hills, moors, forrests, and many other remarks …
The natural shape of England with the names of rivers, seaports, sands, hills, moors, forrests, and many other remarks …
English polo game
English polo game
Mr Hatley & his Small Crew Cruelly Whip'd by ye. Savage Indians but are Saved by a Priest.
Mr Hatley & his Small Crew Cruelly Whip'd by ye. Savage Indians but are Saved by a Priest.
View of Palazzio Vecchio, Loggia, and Pizza on Occation of Fête in homage to St John the Baptist, from "Scelta di XXIV Vedute delle principali contrade, piazze, chiese, e palazzi della Città di Firenze"
View of Palazzio Vecchio, Loggia, and Pizza on Occation of Fête in homage to St John the Baptist, from "Scelta di XXIV Vedute delle principali contrade, piazze, chiese, e palazzi della Città di Firenze"