‘needles’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Needle-making, machine handing and finishing
Needle-making, machine handing and finishing
The Needles – Isle of Wight
The Needles – Isle of Wight
Making Pins and Needles in Olden Days
Making Pins and Needles in Olden Days
Pine boughs on sand bed, Basket of Yucca suds, Basket of pine needles and corals
Pine boughs on sand bed, Basket of Yucca suds, Basket of pine needles and corals
Needles Mountains and Colourado River, California
Needles Mountains and Colourado River, California
Harold Hare
Harold Hare
Mystic Maze of the Mojave Indians, near Needles, California
Mystic Maze of the Mojave Indians, near Needles, California
Teddy Bear
Teddy Bear