‘monkeys’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Monkey house in the Jardin des Plantes, Paris
Monkey house in the Jardin des Plantes, Paris
Brook's Monkey Brand Soap. Removes rust from steel & iron.
Brook's Monkey Brand Soap. Removes rust from steel & iron.
Monkeys and Parrot in the Virgin Forest (Singes et perroquet dans la forêt vierge)
Monkeys and Parrot in the Virgin Forest (Singes et perroquet dans la forêt vierge)
The Poor Fisherman Gets a Good Haul
The Poor Fisherman Gets a Good Haul
Thirteen different mammals ranging from apes, rodents and marsupials to a whale
Thirteen different mammals ranging from apes, rodents and marsupials to a whale
Royal Menagerie, Exeter Change, Strand
Royal Menagerie, Exeter Change, Strand
Study for "A Sunday on La Grande Jatte"
Study for "A Sunday on La Grande Jatte"
Chimpanzee Baldy in uniform, New York Zoological Park
Chimpanzee Baldy in uniform, New York Zoological Park