‘meteorology’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Evangelista Torricelli
Evangelista Torricelli
Inondation de la cote de Messine, pres du rocher de Scylla, tremblement de terre de 1783
Inondation de la cote de Messine, pres du rocher de Scylla, tremblement de terre de 1783
Man of War Rocks, Coast of Dorset
Man of War Rocks, Coast of Dorset
Meteorology: atmospheric effects
Meteorology: atmospheric effects
The Mild Winter of 1858-9
The Mild Winter of 1858-9
English scientist Robert Hooke with a wheel barometer made in 1665
English scientist Robert Hooke with a wheel barometer made in 1665
Meteorology: a double rainbow
Meteorology: a double rainbow
Meteorology: a large iceberg including an arch within which people are standing
Meteorology: a large iceberg including an arch within which people are standing