‘medicine men’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Doctors of Ancient Egypt
Doctors of Ancient Egypt
Four Kenyan shaman or medicine men dressed in ceremonial costume, South east Asia
Four Kenyan shaman or medicine men dressed in ceremonial costume, South east Asia
Medicine men deriding an Indian Convert
Medicine men deriding an Indian Convert
"Shamans," or Medicine Men, stilling the Waves at Oumwaidjik on the Behring Straits
"Shamans," or Medicine Men, stilling the Waves at Oumwaidjik on the Behring Straits
Native American medicine men's rituals
Native American medicine men's rituals
Devins ou jongleurs
Devins ou jongleurs
Three North American Indian medicine men dressed in elaborate ritual masks and costumes
Three North American Indian medicine men dressed in elaborate ritual masks and costumes
On the Russo-Chinese frontier, life among the Bouriats
On the Russo-Chinese frontier, life among the Bouriats