‘madeleine’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Cover of Le Figaro Illustre, May 1891
Cover of Le Figaro Illustre, May 1891
Women's fashion of the 1920s by designer Premet
Women's fashion of the 1920s by designer Premet
Vue Royale et la Madeleine
Vue Royale et la Madeleine
Commemoration of the death of Sadi Carnot, interior of the Church of the Madeleine, 8th arrondissement, Paris
Commemoration of the death of Sadi Carnot, interior of the Church of the Madeleine, 8th arrondissement, Paris
Office of the Compagnie Générale des Omnibus, boulevard de la Madeleine, 9th arrondissement, Paris
Office of the Compagnie Générale des Omnibus, boulevard de la Madeleine, 9th arrondissement, Paris
Women's fashion of the 1920s by designers Christoph Drecoll and Premet
Women's fashion of the 1920s by designers Christoph Drecoll and Premet
La Madeleine, Paris
La Madeleine, Paris
Women's day wear fashion from the 1920s by designers Christoph Drecoll and Madeleine and Madeleine
Women's day wear fashion from the 1920s by designers Christoph Drecoll and Madeleine and Madeleine