‘losing’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Sheep being slaughtered on the gaming tables at the Casino in Monte Carlo
Sheep being slaughtered on the gaming tables at the Casino in Monte Carlo
It's An Ill Wind That Blows Nobody Good
It's An Ill Wind That Blows Nobody Good
Patiently Listening
Patiently Listening
G is for gambler
G is for gambler
Girl with a sack, pun on losing one's job
Girl with a sack, pun on losing one's job
Double Battle of Jena and Auerstadt, 14 October 1806
Double Battle of Jena and Auerstadt, 14 October 1806
Are we downhearted – no!
Are we downhearted – no!
Men riding camels in a race in the desert
Men riding camels in a race in the desert