‘liturgical’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Chalice, Vidrecome, Liturgical Books and Music Notebooks
Chalice, Vidrecome, Liturgical Books and Music Notebooks
Liturgical comb with the scenes from the Genesis
Liturgical comb with the scenes from the Genesis
The battle between carnival and fasting
The battle between carnival and fasting
Shrove Tuesday
Shrove Tuesday
Embroidery pattern for a banner, depicted Saint Eligius
Embroidery pattern for a banner, depicted Saint Eligius
Swiss views. / Vues Suisses.
Swiss views. / Vues Suisses.
Details of the pews of the Grote Kerk in Bolsward
Details of the pews of the Grote Kerk in Bolsward
Photo reproduction of (presumably) a painted portrait of King Victor Emanuel II and Pope Pius IX
Photo reproduction of (presumably) a painted portrait of King Victor Emanuel II and Pope Pius IX