‘lineage’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Nova totivs terrarvm orbis geographica ac hydrographica tabvla
Nova totivs terrarvm orbis geographica ac hydrographica tabvla
The Saviour's line and acts these leaves contain …
The Saviour's line and acts these leaves contain …
Lineage of the Dominican Order
Lineage of the Dominican Order
Lineage of the Dominican Order
Lineage of the Dominican Order
Diagram to illustrate Darwins conceptions of mans lineage
Diagram to illustrate Darwins conceptions of mans lineage
Pedigree of the House of Nassau
Pedigree of the House of Nassau
Family tree of the Habsburg house, page sixteen
Family tree of the Habsburg house, page sixteen
Pedigree of the House of Orange-Nassau
Pedigree of the House of Orange-Nassau