‘insignes’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Double louis d'or with the eight L's and the insignia of Louis XIV, 1702
Double louis d'or with the eight L's and the insignia of Louis XIV, 1702
Mandragora plant from 'De historia…'
Mandragora plant from 'De historia…'
De historia stirpium commentarij insignes maximis impensis et uigilijs elaborati: adiectis earundem uiuis plusquam …
De historia stirpium commentarij insignes maximis impensis et uigilijs elaborati: adiectis earundem uiuis plusquam …
Insignes de la royaute de Hongrie
Insignes de la royaute de Hongrie
Study for a Filigree Design: The People Trample on the Insignia of Royalty
Study for a Filigree Design: The People Trample on the Insignia of Royalty
Flanders shield with the insignia of Louis XIV, 1702
Flanders shield with the insignia of Louis XIV, 1702
One of two pseudonardus plants, from 'De historia…'
One of two pseudonardus plants, from 'De historia…'
Louis d'or with eight L's and the insignia of Louis XIV, 1702
Louis d'or with eight L's and the insignia of Louis XIV, 1702