‘human skull’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Piltdown Man
Piltdown Man
Human skulls of different racial types: eleven figures also including the skull of an ape, and a graph demonstrating …
Human skulls of different racial types: eleven figures also including the skull of an ape, and a graph demonstrating …
L'Amour de Pierrot
L'Amour de Pierrot
Human skull resting on a tapestry rug
Human skull resting on a tapestry rug
Human skull, seen in profile
Human skull, seen in profile
Human skull inscribed for phrenological demonstration
Human skull inscribed for phrenological demonstration
Human skull with phrenological markings
Human skull with phrenological markings
Secular ceremonial headdress, incorporating human skull, Nepalese/Tibetan
Secular ceremonial headdress, incorporating human skull, Nepalese/Tibetan