‘history medal’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Resignation of baron Surlet de Chokier as regent of Belgium, medal minted on behalf of the National Congress
Resignation of baron Surlet de Chokier as regent of Belgium, medal minted on behalf of the National Congress
Jacob Mossel, Governor-General of the VOC in Batavia
Jacob Mossel, Governor-General of the VOC in Batavia
Designs for a history medal for council, ships and former mayor of Haarlem Pieter van der Camer
Designs for a history medal for council, ships and former mayor of Haarlem Pieter van der Camer
Francis I of France
Francis I of France
Honorary Medal Awarded to CJ van Aalst, Chairman of the Netherlands Overseas Trust Company, upon its Discontinuation
Honorary Medal Awarded to CJ van Aalst, Chairman of the Netherlands Overseas Trust Company, upon its Discontinuation
Foundation of the Royal Academy of Art in Brussels, in honor of William I Frederick, king of the Netherlands
Foundation of the Royal Academy of Art in Brussels, in honor of William I Frederick, king of the Netherlands
Synod of Dordrecht
Synod of Dordrecht
Death of Mary II of England
Death of Mary II of England