‘historiated’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Leaf from a Book of Hours with a Historiated Initial D Depicting Christ Before Pilate
Leaf from a Book of Hours with a Historiated Initial D Depicting Christ Before Pilate
The Birth of the Virgin in a Historiated Initial "G" from an Antiphonal
The Birth of the Virgin in a Historiated Initial "G" from an Antiphonal
Letter I and the marriage god Hymen
Letter I and the marriage god Hymen
Historiated Initial (R) Excised from a Gradual: The Three Marys at the Tomb
Historiated Initial (R) Excised from a Gradual: The Three Marys at the Tomb
Tobit, historiated initial T, Tobit sleeping on a bed
Tobit, historiated initial T, Tobit sleeping on a bed
The Annunciation in a Historiated Initial "M" from an Antiphonary
The Annunciation in a Historiated Initial "M" from an Antiphonary
Reverse of Initial S
Reverse of Initial S
Deuteronomy, historiated initial H, Moses with horns and scroll preaching to two men
Deuteronomy, historiated initial H, Moses with horns and scroll preaching to two men