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Henry VI – The King Who Was Too Kind
Henry VI – The King Who Was Too Kind
Battle of Fontenoy
Battle of Fontenoy
The Peasants' Revolt
The Peasants' Revolt
Nicolo Paganini humbly kissed his hand after playing Berlioz's Harold in Italy
Nicolo Paganini humbly kissed his hand after playing Berlioz's Harold in Italy
Berlioz met Henrietta Smithson and fell in love
Berlioz met Henrietta Smithson and fell in love
Method of washing hands in the East
Method of washing hands in the East
Berlioz's Romeo and Juliet is an example of his flair for producing music of great dramatic intensity
Berlioz's Romeo and Juliet is an example of his flair for producing music of great dramatic intensity
Battle of Fontenoy
Battle of Fontenoy