‘giving’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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A woman looking on as two young girls present her with flowers
A woman looking on as two young girls present her with flowers
Instruments used in criminal abortion
Instruments used in criminal abortion
Imhotep "the good physician" giving advice to a sick man
Imhotep "the good physician" giving advice to a sick man
Garçon donnant l'avoine à un cheval dételé (A Boy Giving Oats to a Hitched Horse)
Garçon donnant l'avoine à un cheval dételé (A Boy Giving Oats to a Hitched Horse)
Amerigo Vespucci imagined giving reports of his voyages to Queen Isabella of Spain
Amerigo Vespucci imagined giving reports of his voyages to Queen Isabella of Spain
“Alice in Wonderland”
“Alice in Wonderland”
Henry VIII curing the king's evil
Henry VIII curing the king's evil
Timon of Athens: IV, 3. Timon giving away the gold to Phrynia and Fernandra.
Timon of Athens: IV, 3. Timon giving away the gold to Phrynia and Fernandra.