‘geology’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA
Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA
Fort of Ali Musjid, Khyber Pass, where the British Mission to Cabul was turned back
Fort of Ali Musjid, Khyber Pass, where the British Mission to Cabul was turned back
Geology: various geological phenomena
Geology: various geological phenomena
Gold mining in the goldfields of Australia
Gold mining in the goldfields of Australia
Earth pyramids and the Dolomite Moutains, South Tyrol
Earth pyramids and the Dolomite Moutains, South Tyrol
Coral reef off Puynipet island (Pohnpei), Caroline Islands
Coral reef off Puynipet island (Pohnpei), Caroline Islands
Professor Owen lecturing at the Museum of Practical Geology
Professor Owen lecturing at the Museum of Practical Geology