‘genealogical’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Genealogical, chronological and geographical chart embracing Biblical and profane history of ancient times from Adam …
Genealogical, chronological and geographical chart embracing Biblical and profane history of ancient times from Adam …
A Jubilee Genealogical Tree, showing the Descendants of Her Majesty Queen Victoria
A Jubilee Genealogical Tree, showing the Descendants of Her Majesty Queen Victoria
Ilustracja nr 10 (z 12) do tematu "Dance of Death", zamieszczona w:"Royal Great Britain Historical Genealogical …"
Ilustracja nr 10 (z 12) do tematu "Dance of Death", zamieszczona w:"Royal Great Britain Historical Genealogical …"
Ilustracja nr 9 (z 12) do tematu "Dance of Death", zamieszczona w:"Royal Great Britain Historical Genealogical …"
Ilustracja nr 9 (z 12) do tematu "Dance of Death", zamieszczona w:"Royal Great Britain Historical Genealogical …"
Ilustracja nr 1 (z 12) do tematu "Dance of Death", zamieszczona w:"Royal Great Britain Historical Genealogical …"
Ilustracja nr 1 (z 12) do tematu "Dance of Death", zamieszczona w:"Royal Great Britain Historical Genealogical …"
Genealogical Tree of Maria Justina and Johann Maximilian zum Jungen
Genealogical Tree of Maria Justina and Johann Maximilian zum Jungen
Family tree of William III, king of the Netherlands, and Sophie of Württemberg
Family tree of William III, king of the Netherlands, and Sophie of Württemberg
Family tree of the Habsburg House, page three
Family tree of the Habsburg House, page three