‘furnishings’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Page from the catalogue of the Grand Depot de Porcelaines, Faiences et Verreries
Page from the catalogue of the Grand Depot de Porcelaines, Faiences et Verreries
A physician examining a pregnant woman's urine specimen in his library
A physician examining a pregnant woman's urine specimen in his library
A carbuncled woman retiring to bed
A carbuncled woman retiring to bed
Martin Van Buren
Martin Van Buren
Mosaic in Aracoeli
Mosaic in Aracoeli
Illustration from interior design product catalogue from AR & Cie, France
Illustration from interior design product catalogue from AR & Cie, France
Neck-Amphora with a Man Playing a Cithara
Neck-Amphora with a Man Playing a Cithara
Nude Seated at Her Dressing Table
Nude Seated at Her Dressing Table