‘fellow’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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A Fellow and Scholar, King's College
A Fellow and Scholar, King's College
A man of feeling
A man of feeling
Volta and Galvani showed that electricity could be produced by chemical action
Volta and Galvani showed that electricity could be produced by chemical action
Mr Gould's Collection of Humming Birds in the Zoological Gardens
Mr Gould's Collection of Humming Birds in the Zoological Gardens
John Bull shaking the hand of a sick man
John Bull shaking the hand of a sick man
Fellow citizens of Massachusetts!
Fellow citizens of Massachusetts!
Roger Bacon
Roger Bacon
Arthur Brough, A fellow of infinite jest, Vanity Fair cartoon, 30 March 1905
Arthur Brough, A fellow of infinite jest, Vanity Fair cartoon, 30 March 1905