‘eruption’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Une visite au Vesuve
Une visite au Vesuve
The Great Volcanic Eruption in New Zealand, I
The Great Volcanic Eruption in New Zealand, I
A tidal wave devastating a city in Crete in the 15th century BC
A tidal wave devastating a city in Crete in the 15th century BC
A Volcanic Eruption at the Island of Krakatau in the Straits of Sunda, Midway between Java and Sumatra
A Volcanic Eruption at the Island of Krakatau in the Straits of Sunda, Midway between Java and Sumatra
Kilauea, Hawaii
Kilauea, Hawaii
La eruzione del Vesuvio, fuga degli abitanti dai comuni vesuviani investiti dai torrenti di lava infocata
La eruzione del Vesuvio, fuga degli abitanti dai comuni vesuviani investiti dai torrenti di lava infocata
A tidal wave devastating a city in Crete in the 15th century BC
A tidal wave devastating a city in Crete in the 15th century BC