‘drowned’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Ophelia, drowned
Ophelia, drowned
Virginia Drowned
Virginia Drowned
Terribile disastro marittimo, il piu grande transatlantico Titanic affonda con 1600 persone …
Terribile disastro marittimo, il piu grande transatlantico Titanic affonda con 1600 persone …
Gustave Dore Bible: The Egyptians drowned in the Red Sea
Gustave Dore Bible: The Egyptians drowned in the Red Sea
Death of Emperor Maxentius at the battle of Milvian Bridge, Rome, 312
Death of Emperor Maxentius at the battle of Milvian Bridge, Rome, 312
Teutonic Knights falling through the ice of the frozen Lake Peipus, Battle of the Ice, Russia, 1242
Teutonic Knights falling through the ice of the frozen Lake Peipus, Battle of the Ice, Russia, 1242
Clarence drowned in the Butt of Malmsey
Clarence drowned in the Butt of Malmsey
Terribile disastro marittimo, il piu grande transatlantico Titanic affonda con 1600 persone …
Terribile disastro marittimo, il piu grande transatlantico Titanic affonda con 1600 persone …