‘demonstration’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Bloody Sunday: The Life Guards holding Trafalgar Square
Bloody Sunday: The Life Guards holding Trafalgar Square
The Chartist Demonstration on Kennington Common
The Chartist Demonstration on Kennington Common
Napoleon sees King Louis XVI for the second time, 20 June 1792
Napoleon sees King Louis XVI for the second time, 20 June 1792
A demonstration of Ju-Jitsu
A demonstration of Ju-Jitsu
The Farm Labourers' Lock-out, Trades' Union Demonstration at Manchester in Favour of the Labourers
The Farm Labourers' Lock-out, Trades' Union Demonstration at Manchester in Favour of the Labourers
Great Demonstration in Aid of the London Hospitals at Mr Charrington's Hall, in the East End
Great Demonstration in Aid of the London Hospitals at Mr Charrington's Hall, in the East End
The Suffragette Movement
The Suffragette Movement
John Burns addressing a meeting of dockers on Tower Hill
John Burns addressing a meeting of dockers on Tower Hill