‘cow’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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The Range Rider
The Range Rider
Gli Eroi Della Scienza, Il Medico Francese Garnault Si Inietta Volontariamente L'Umore D'Una Vacca Tubercolotica
Gli Eroi Della Scienza, Il Medico Francese Garnault Si Inietta Volontariamente L'Umore D'Una Vacca Tubercolotica
Fuenterrabia (now known as Hondarribia) – Ox Cart
Fuenterrabia (now known as Hondarribia) – Ox Cart
Old man milking cow, with child and cat
Old man milking cow, with child and cat
Rough-Ride at the Rodeo
Rough-Ride at the Rodeo
Cow-House, Royal Dairy Farm, Windsor Park
Cow-House, Royal Dairy Farm, Windsor Park
Cow Creamer
Cow Creamer
Moel Siabod, Wales
Moel Siabod, Wales