‘consults’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Cadmus asks Delphi's oracle what to do now that he has been unable to find his sister Europe
Cadmus asks Delphi's oracle what to do now that he has been unable to find his sister Europe
Sketches of "Carmen up to Data," at the Gaiety Theatre
Sketches of "Carmen up to Data," at the Gaiety Theatre
Cadmus asks Delphi's oracle what to do now that he has been unable to find his sister Europe
Cadmus asks Delphi's oracle what to do now that he has been unable to find his sister Europe
A queen (?) consults a hermit sitting under a tree along with his dog
A queen (?) consults a hermit sitting under a tree along with his dog
Rechabeam, Abiam en Asa
Rechabeam, Abiam en Asa
Cipus crowned with two horns
Cipus crowned with two horns
Rechabeam consults the elders and the young men
Rechabeam consults the elders and the young men
Alexander the Great, Unable to Destroy a Fortress, Consults a Hermit
Alexander the Great, Unable to Destroy a Fortress, Consults a Hermit