‘carrying’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Episodi di guerra, due soldati francesi, uno accecato ed uno ferito ad una gamba si aiutano …
Episodi di guerra, due soldati francesi, uno accecato ed uno ferito ad una gamba si aiutano …
The Duke of Wellington stands at the top of a ladder tearing down a poster while Lord Lyndhurst paints a message "bill …
The Duke of Wellington stands at the top of a ladder tearing down a poster while Lord Lyndhurst paints a message "bill …
Elijah and the Widow's Son
Elijah and the Widow's Son
Animal locomotion
Animal locomotion
Comment Stanley Rejoignit Emin-Pacha
Comment Stanley Rejoignit Emin-Pacha
Obesity: man carrying a sandwich board advertising hard work as the best method of reducing fat
Obesity: man carrying a sandwich board advertising hard work as the best method of reducing fat
Triomphe de la Mort: La Mort Entrainant L'Ivrognerie et la luxure (Triumph of Death: Death Carrying away Drunkenness …)
Triomphe de la Mort: La Mort Entrainant L'Ivrognerie et la luxure (Triumph of Death: Death Carrying away Drunkenness …)
A frog carrying a tray with a glasses and a champagne bottle
A frog carrying a tray with a glasses and a champagne bottle