‘book’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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The Count of Monte Cristo and Haidee
The Count of Monte Cristo and Haidee
Animals and plants of the Forest of Bialowicz, Lithuania
Animals and plants of the Forest of Bialowicz, Lithuania
Don Quixote being knighted
Don Quixote being knighted
Sir Henry Rawlinson on the Rock of Behistun
Sir Henry Rawlinson on the Rock of Behistun
Cochineal cactus (Nopalea cochenillifera) with insects that feed on it, including th cochineal insect (Dactylopius …
Cochineal cactus (Nopalea cochenillifera) with insects that feed on it, including th cochineal insect (Dactylopius …
The gorgeous crown jewels of Britain
The gorgeous crown jewels of Britain
Grimms’ Tales: Hansel and Grethel
Grimms’ Tales: Hansel and Grethel
Ancient Peoples of the World: Tiny Trappers of the Jungle
Ancient Peoples of the World: Tiny Trappers of the Jungle