‘beat’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Longbowmen at the Battle of Falkirk
Longbowmen at the Battle of Falkirk
Chastising a Quaker at Paul's Cross, Cheapside, in the time of Oliver Cromwell
Chastising a Quaker at Paul's Cross, Cheapside, in the time of Oliver Cromwell
The would-be athlete
The would-be athlete
English Civil War
English Civil War
The Rite of Spring
The Rite of Spring
Ben."Only foul words; and thereupon I will kiss thee", Beat.
Ben."Only foul words; and thereupon I will kiss thee", Beat.
Eton flogging "block" and rod
Eton flogging "block" and rod
King Henry II scourged at the altar of Thomas A Beckett
King Henry II scourged at the altar of Thomas A Beckett