‘astrology’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Arithmetic, Geometry, Music, Astrology, Perspective, and Architecture, from Allegories of Various Arts and Sciences
Arithmetic, Geometry, Music, Astrology, Perspective, and Architecture, from Allegories of Various Arts and Sciences
Arithmetic, Geometry, Music, Astrology, Perspective, and Architecture, from Allegories of Various Arts and Sciences
Arithmetic, Geometry, Music, Astrology, Perspective, and Architecture, from Allegories of Various Arts and Sciences
Arithmetic, Geometry, Music, Astrology, Perspective, and Architecture, from Allegories of Various Arts and Sciences
Arithmetic, Geometry, Music, Astrology, Perspective, and Architecture, from Allegories of Various Arts and Sciences
Astronomy: various apocalyptic scenes, including Napoleon III, a weeping Queen Victoria, an assassination (?
Astronomy: various apocalyptic scenes, including Napoleon III, a weeping Queen Victoria, an assassination (?
Arithmetic, Geometry, Music, Astrology, Perspective, and Architecture, from Allegories of Various Arts and Sciences
Arithmetic, Geometry, Music, Astrology, Perspective, and Architecture, from Allegories of Various Arts and Sciences
Astronomy: various apocalyptic scenes, including earthquake, war, and shipwreck
Astronomy: various apocalyptic scenes, including earthquake, war, and shipwreck
Astrology: signs of the zodiac, Lynx
Astrology: signs of the zodiac, Lynx