‘appointed’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Cato warning his Senate colleagues about Carthage
Cato warning his Senate colleagues about Carthage
Ofen (Buda) taken from the Turks, 1686
Ofen (Buda) taken from the Turks, 1686
William II conferring the primacy on Anselm, 1093
William II conferring the primacy on Anselm, 1093
Shiel walks past two old sailors, one with a wooden leg, who make remarks about him as Daniel O'Connell stands by …
Shiel walks past two old sailors, one with a wooden leg, who make remarks about him as Daniel O'Connell stands by …
Mehemed Rizabeg. Intendant of the province of Erivan in Persia, was appointed by the sultant … The discharge ….
Mehemed Rizabeg. Intendant of the province of Erivan in Persia, was appointed by the sultant … The discharge ….
The flight into Egypt, Matthew II, ver 14
The flight into Egypt, Matthew II, ver 14
John Hyrcanus covers his face during the siege of Dagon
John Hyrcanus covers his face during the siege of Dagon
Stranger, appointed king, is led on horseback to the city gate
Stranger, appointed king, is led on horseback to the city gate