‘anthropomorphism’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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One hundred and one ways of catching mice
One hundred and one ways of catching mice
The Wind in the Willows, by Kenneth Grahame
The Wind in the Willows, by Kenneth Grahame
Precocious Piggy
Precocious Piggy
Sad divorced cats
Sad divorced cats
Ain't a fella a perfect jackass when he's in love!
Ain't a fella a perfect jackass when he's in love!
Courting couple separated by a gooseberry aunt
Courting couple separated by a gooseberry aunt
Chestnuts and a bouquet of raspberries
Chestnuts and a bouquet of raspberries
Scene from The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids, by the Brothers Grimm
Scene from The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids, by the Brothers Grimm