‘aids’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Map of the anthracite coalfields of Pennsylvania
Map of the anthracite coalfields of Pennsylvania
Chinese medicine: a practitioner massages a patient's shoulder
Chinese medicine: a practitioner massages a patient's shoulder
Prang's aids for object teaching – The kitchen
Prang's aids for object teaching – The kitchen
Five decrepit doctors crushed together in consultation
Five decrepit doctors crushed together in consultation
Prang's aids to object teaching – trades and occupations – plate 4 – blacksmith
Prang's aids to object teaching – trades and occupations – plate 4 – blacksmith
Prang's aids for object teaching – Tailor
Prang's aids for object teaching – Tailor
Episode 19: Saint Bernardino's cousin's soul appears to him at her death, while he is preaching
Episode 19: Saint Bernardino's cousin's soul appears to him at her death, while he is preaching