‘acrobat’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Female acrobat
Female acrobat
The hero Chevalier Blondin of Niagara
The hero Chevalier Blondin of Niagara
Sketches at Barnum's Show at Olympia, London
Sketches at Barnum's Show at Olympia, London
John Lee and Stephen Lee, circus acrobats and musicians
John Lee and Stephen Lee, circus acrobats and musicians
Untitled [portrait of an unidentified boy acrobat]
Untitled [portrait of an unidentified boy acrobat]
Zazel, who in 1877 was paid £100 a week to be shot from a cannon
Zazel, who in 1877 was paid £100 a week to be shot from a cannon
Blondin wheeling a woman across Niagara on a tight-rope, blindfolded
Blondin wheeling a woman across Niagara on a tight-rope, blindfolded
The exploits of Hercules – the athletic Apollon at Reichshallen Theatre, Berlin
The exploits of Hercules – the athletic Apollon at Reichshallen Theatre, Berlin