‘Yasnaya Polyana’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Yasnaya Polyana
Yasnaya Polyana
Leo Tolstoy, Russian novelist, 1907
Leo Tolstoy, Russian novelist, 1907
Leo Tolstoy, Russian novelist, short story writer and playwright
Leo Tolstoy, Russian novelist, short story writer and playwright
Yasnaya Polyana
Yasnaya Polyana
"The Vaulted Room," one of the most famous in Tolstoy's house at Yasnaya Polyana
"The Vaulted Room," one of the most famous in Tolstoy's house at Yasnaya Polyana
The Germans turned the room at Yasnaya Polyana, where Tolstoy wrote War and Peace, into a varitable pig-sty
The Germans turned the room at Yasnaya Polyana, where Tolstoy wrote War and Peace, into a varitable pig-sty
Yasnaya Polyana, home of Leo Tolstoy, Tula, USSR
Yasnaya Polyana, home of Leo Tolstoy, Tula, USSR
Yasnaya Polyana
Yasnaya Polyana