‘World War II’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Erwin Rommel, German commander of the Afrika Korps, World War II, 1941–1943
Erwin Rommel, German commander of the Afrika Korps, World War II, 1941–1943
Dunkirk war scene
Dunkirk war scene
Field Marshal Rommel
Field Marshal Rommel
Into the Blue: Japanese Aircraft of World War II
Into the Blue: Japanese Aircraft of World War II
Il contrattacco dell'Asse in Cirenaica
Il contrattacco dell'Asse in Cirenaica
The Bunker
The Bunker
Londoners sheltering on the London Underground during the Blitz, World War II, 1940–1945
Londoners sheltering on the London Underground during the Blitz, World War II, 1940–1945
Salvato in terra nemica
Salvato in terra nemica