‘William 'Crimea' Simpson’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Mussulman Pilgrims from Persia on the Way to the Holy City of Meshed
Mussulman Pilgrims from Persia on the Way to the Holy City of Meshed
The new works at the siege of Sebastopol on the right attack, from the Mortar Battery on the right …
The new works at the siege of Sebastopol on the right attack, from the Mortar Battery on the right …
Commissariat Difficulties, the road from Balaklava to Sebastopol, at Kadikoi, during wet weather
Commissariat Difficulties, the road from Balaklava to Sebastopol, at Kadikoi, during wet weather
The Queen's Christmas, the Kitchen, Windsor Castle
The Queen's Christmas, the Kitchen, Windsor Castle
Charge of the Light Cavalry Brigade, 25 October 1854, under Major General the Earl of Cardigan
Charge of the Light Cavalry Brigade, 25 October 1854, under Major General the Earl of Cardigan
The Liverpool Corporation Waterworks, Lake Vyrnwy, Montgomeryshire, North Wales
The Liverpool Corporation Waterworks, Lake Vyrnwy, Montgomeryshire, North Wales
Sentinel of the Zouaves before Sebastopol
Sentinel of the Zouaves before Sebastopol
Sebastopol from the rear of the English batteries
Sebastopol from the rear of the English batteries